Move To Italy

How to Move to Italy

Want to move to Italy? Don’t have EU citizenship or Italian relatives? I know, neither do I, but finally I managed, and you can too! Need advice, info and encouragement? Let’s get you started on achieving your dream!

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Florence Tours

Florence Tours

Licensed tour guide in Florence featuring personalized tours: art and history, museums, markets, artisan workshops, and hikes. Join me and deepen your knowledge and appreciation of this extraordinary city!

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Best Books About Italy


News: My travel memoir about my transformative long-distance walk on Italy’s ancient pilgrimage route has been taken on by Random House Germany! Find it on this link as well as a sampling of my published travel articles.

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About Chandi

Author, Florentine Renaissance Historian, and licensed tour guide in Florence, with an unplanned life-theme of adventure that shows no signs of slowing down.

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Thou paradise of exiles, Italy!  ~Percy Bysshe Shelley

Ciao Italy lovers!

After 30 years of being in love with Italy, in the spring of 2017, I made a move to the land that the poet Shelley called a paradise of exiles. I am a Florentine Renaissance historian and I lead personalized tours of the fabulous city of Florence.

By treating yourself to a tour with me, you can lose the overwhelm and enhance your knowledge of what makes this city so special, and have an expert dedicated to you who will give you an insider experience. 

Go to the Florence Tours page for more info, and if you are seeking info on moving to Italy there’s a link for that here too. If you want to get ideas about great places to visit in Italy, go the links under Exploring Italy and if you need trip planning services, there is a link for that too. I look forward to helping you have a superb time in Italy!

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