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I am so glad you didn’t end up in the “clapper”. We would have needed a time machine to bail you out!
Very interesting and helpful information. If anyone is thinking about bypassing tje 90 day limit in tje Schengen Zone without a visa, this reinforces that they actually check.
Yes, they are much more careful about it these days.
This is great information for people, including things we may never think of! When having to navigate all these official things, its so useful that you take time to document and write about your experience so others can be more prepared and not have to get into difficult situations! Its amusing that they were more concerned to take away the cat food than whether you had cat documents. Still, another person’s experience could be totally different so its good to be prepared for all the contingencies! And, a good tip not to bother to try taking cat food through customs.
Very intereting information and a that tje Schengen Zone cou2mtries act as a unit when it comes to monitoring the 90 day limit.
Thanks for this, good to know the ramifications for being outside Italy for an extended period after getting permanent residency.
Dee, Yes you can have a permesso without residency if you’ve recently obtained a permesso and have not yet done the residency piece at the Anagrafe.
I did have my permesso with me too and the reason I defaulted to handing him the carta d’identita, is because when I was staying in a hotel (and it happened when I stayed with nuns too) in the past few months in Italy, I started out by handing my permesso when they wanted an ID. In both cases I was told that the permesso is not a valid ID and that I needed to provide them with my carta d’identita. This is why I chose to hand that document to the customs official in Frankfurt. If he had then wanted to see my permesso I could have shown it to him but he did not ask for it. I will revise my post to clarify that the permesso is the correct document.
Hi, it is not actually just a piece of a paper. When you go to the anagrafe to get residency after getting your permesso, you at first just get a piece of paper, but then you apply for actual carta d’identita, which is a plastic card with your photo on it. this is what you show at EU controls in airports in the EU. After 5 years, if you have been doing everything correctly, you can be eligible for permanent residency.
The carta d’identità you can obtain sooner than after 5 years. You can obtain it after you register with the anagrafe. The permesso di soggiorno is what you renew yearly.